Written Colours

Art in the blood takes many forms
Has many shades and hues
It's different lines and forms
Lines that zig zag and those that wave
Formed and formless
In some generations these lines are broken
Shattered in madness and bohemian tendencies
Pricking blood vessels in it's recipient that bleed out as ink for a suicide note.

Art in the blood can be a woman giving up her dreams of music to take care of her two offspring
It could be her son
A boy with a heart full of hybrids of his mother's dreams
A head filled with ideas
A pad and a pen,a keypad and a deluge of words and poetic devices
His hands shaking from the earthquake that is his heritage as he pens witha spirit filled quiver
Faith dripping from it's tip

Art in the blood can be God creating through man...

© Moses Edemeka

Moses Billy Edemeka is an artist and a poet whose works are born out of a deep desire to create something out of the ordinary.

He's an avid reader with a good taste for music. 

More about Moses and other poets @Hall of Fame

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