We’re all mad in this country, but we’re madder in Lagos [Promise Ozor]

Promise, this would be my second time having a session with you, how do you feel about it?

Oh okay, Nabas. You know, I’m trying to be very humble about it, but you’re here giving me signs that I must be an interesting person.

So it’s hard to stay humble. Hehehe.

I’m joking anyway. I’m pleased. Thank you for considering me “interesting” enough to want to have me here. I appreciate it.

The pleasure is mutual, LOL. So can you say a lot has changed in your life since then?

Oh yes, defintely. Last time we talked, I had only veterinary medicine and no love life going for me. Now I’m doing a bit more with my career, have a good partner, and I’m even out here doing social media. I feel young again 😌.

I learned you had stayed in Lagos at some point in your life, were you raised there? If so, do you owe a bit of who you are, and the things you picked up while growing to the fact that you grew up in Lagos?

I was actually born in Lagos.

So yes, growing up in Lagos definitely contributed to who I am today. You meet so much diversity there, and such need for class, that just feels a little fake in most other places. Lagos taught me good conversational and social skills, but it also taught me to be suspicious of intent and ready for madness at any point. I never press my phone by the window, ever!! We’re all mad in this country, but we’re madder in Lagos.

Do you speak Yoruba? Or any dialect? You're Igbo right?

No, I don’t speak Yoruba. I hear a bit though, the street talk. I speak Igbo, yes. 

Is pidgin a dialect? I’ll like to think so cos I speak that too. LOL

What's your take on music? Who do you listen to when you're really stressed and just want a form of relief... What do you do too?

I love music. It comes third only to books and food. I listen to almost every genre, and I appreciate good music.

I don’t have a particular person I go to when I’m sad. It depends on the mood. Sometimes I want Benjamin Clementine to comfort me, other times it’s Coldplay and sometimes I just want Bella Shmurda to pump me up. 

When I’m down, I eat read, eat, sleep, listen to music, pray, stroll or talk to a friend. One of these would usually do the trick.

How was childhood for you? Any unique memories you'll like to share with us...

Childhood was fun. The misery of life hadn’t hit. I still laugh a lot now, but I remember I was a very happy child, quietly mischievous too. I was also very curious about everything. I asked so many questions, read so much. I just wanted to know. 

I remember one time my cousin and I read “Ade the superman” and decided to try it out (we’re the same age and it was a joint decision). I went to cut out my Aunty’s red material she used for decorating at events and tied it to my cousin’s neck. Then he stood on a stool, that I placed because I felt it would give a better angle for our experiment, and took a dive. He actually did a “whoo hoo” with his hands in the air. It was a split second of pure joy watching him “fly”. He ended up passing out sha, and was out cold for a while. Broke a few bones and sprained his neck. I still call him “Ade the Superman” every year on his birthday, a reminder that it was only attempted manslaughter.

This or That session with Promise Ozor

1. Roommate or live alone?
Live alone

2. Books or movies?

3. Stories with sad endings or happy endings?

Happy endings. Life sucks already. I want to get away to a happy place please.

4. Second chance at love or second chance for your career?

Second chance at love. As much as I want to act like I’m a reasonable person and choose career, I’m really not that serious to want a job back. Give me a second chance at love, with a billionaire. 

5. Big wedding or small wedding?
Small wedding

6.Calls or text?
Texting. Calls stress me out

7. Nights or mornings?
Night. I come alive in the night time. It’s a pity I have to be an adult and sleep on time these days. On time, like 1am.

8. Nosy neighbours or noisy neighbours?

Noisy neighbours please. I hate people wanting to be in my business.

9. Live rich in Nigeria or live average in any country of your choice?

Live average in a country of my choice. I deserve basic amenities, security and sanity. I love my country, but does my country love me?

More about Promise Ozor (social media handles, etc) kindly visit the Hall of Fame page or simply click Hall of Fame

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