My mother's other son

If you've been around long enough, you've heard this story at some point— we were in senior secondary school (SS3), this was years ago and Moses brought a novel to class, "Sherlock Holmes", it was a collection. 

Who would have known? That I would peel open the pages of that novel and I would be so drawn to the art of storytelling. 

After I read Holmes, I was story-thirsty and I begged him for another novel.

Then, Moses brought me "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown.

It's been almost a decade since then, and I'm still reading everything and anything I can lay my hands on. 

It all started with Moses.

Moses and I became very close even after secondary school, I became his mother's son and he became my mother's other son. LOL

In 2017, I wrote my first poem and that was only after I read one of his (which sounded more like a song than a poem). 

Yes, you guessed right😅 my writing started with Moses too. Here I am, I own a blog, iTell stories and everything beautiful.

Moses, this morning I read the note you wrote to yourself as a birthday wish, something about hoping not to die... (I'll leave out details) but I was touched.

So I made this particular blog post, just for you— recounting our experiences from secondary school till now; how instrumental you've been in my self-discovery

So if you are ever in that spot where nothing seems to inspire you, remember that I'm here because you brought me here.

When you eventually read this: I want you to know that I've always believed in you, and every idea you've ever shared with me still blossoms somewhere in my memory. 

It might not look like it now, but you're becoming everything God wants you to be. 

I love you, everyday Moses. Everyday...

Barnabas Ekpima

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  1. I love you back much more bro,thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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